The world is just one big psyops – this what influencers are for

Every day more and more proof is coming out that everything that has been happening regarding various events is not the result of natural occurrences, but of a collective scaremonger psychological agenda to scare and kill people through various means, of all which do not pertain to natural creation or God, for that respect, but rather the devil or Lucifer, or those who serve the same.

The greatest battle or rather the sole act of warfare utilized by the elites is that of psychological warfare, that’s the only kind of warfare that matters for them, any other kind of warfare is pretty much oriented towards this ultimate purpose of making people zombies and destroying them without killing them, the object of the elites is to kill people in their body, mind and spirit but without having to kill them, to attain this they have to employ various methods to change the psyche and decision-making of people towards what they want.

There are various key points by which this can be attained in recent years:

  • Smart gadgets that make people stupid: By employing new technologies and products, such as games, movies, and smart gadgets of all kinds, people become addicted to the consumption of such products. The problem is that these products greatly substitute or stagnate the mental capacities of their users, such as those of memorization, attention, concentration, and creativity, instead of reading kids are now watching videos, and in many instances, videos that they should be watching, this in time, not only makes them useful idiots, and ignorant people but also addicts which depend even more deeply upon the system of which they are slaves.
  • Social media influencing and control: The sole object of social media is to more easily control what people say, especially the dissidence, alternative media, like Telegram, are massive points of control and confusion of the alternative and those who want to wake up out of the matrix. Not only that, kids are more influenced from a young age by these so-called “influencers”, who are each more stupid than the previous one, and who the behavior of our children.
  • Scaremonger people: Another great point is that they want to scare people and induce fear, such as by inventing and propagating all kinds of diseases, of all which may not exist but solely in the belief that they do so, or which are greatly exaggerated through a variety of psychological and the confusion with other diseases which may be ignored in the equal degree to which the invention is paid attention, leading room for confusion or what is what, and presenting false new medical criteria, vaccines, war, etc.

👓 Forget VR glasses: Meet Blinkenergy’s AR glasses innovation!

Still in the prototype phase, but breaking new ground. Imagine a thin controller (chip) on your eyelid, powering a lens that connects to your phone for a seamless AR experience.

They are putting the chip in all kinds of products and brands to get people interested.

Be careful.

But this is not new, since long ago the elites have known of the power of psychology, to persuade people to do anything they may want, and through the power of such persuasion and belief, lead towards whatever they may want, which is always death and slavery. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was founded with that same objective. The problem is that people are not aware that these projects of human control of the human mind have long been engineered by the MI6, the British Royal Intelligence Agency, and through it many leaders and discourses have been invented, to subdue the minds of people. The MI6 are just a branch of the Vatican and the Freemasons, the free-masons, or the Revived templars as they are called, are the key figures behind this mind control, especially since the 1800s.

Elon Musk and the AI craze of the ones he works for (China).

Hence, everything you may see around from now on, you have to think of it as a psychological operation on the people, whether it is on the TV, radio, internet, or any other place. These are all directed at controlling the psyche of people and making them do what they want. If there was no army propaganda and mind control, no want would want to go to the army or to meaningless wars, in which people kill each other. If there was no mind control people would not be so scared of diseases, and they would have not gotten the jab (long-time COVID and so many other forums and alternative documentation of people getting killed and diseased by the vaccine, ignore official propaganda), etc. Without their control on the minds of people and their knowledge of the things they want would have occurred. The same thing happened with Hitler, Stalin, communism, whatever it is, it is all just a great psychological operation to induce people into death and slavery.


The words used by the Illuminati are very peculiar, the Illuminati do not speak on wars, on vaccines, on TV, on social media, etc. They speak always in psychological and mental terms, because they know the power of the mind and the spirit, for after all this is the same power they use in their ceremonies, rituals, black magic, etc (druidism, kabbalah, occultism), these all involve the power of the mind to create, they belief by which a human being may manifest and be deceived into a “truth” which is always rather an illusion. These are some of the words they use:

  • Persuade
  • Influence
  • Change
  • Entertain
  • Comply
  • Distract
  • Accept
  • Scare
  • Engage
  • Embrace
  • Hate
  • Divide

“The coronavirus is a distraction” – Mr. Jacob Rothschild 4th Baron Rothschild

These are just a few of them, but they use many more, you can think about all kinds of negative emotions and states of mind they seek to instill in people, and you will have discovered the means by which they deceive most of the population. You will see these shows in many programs, TV shows, movies, media, new trends, cultures, etc. Just as the word “influencers” you see on YouTube has no other purpose but that of influencing people, especially young children. You will see many of these influencers speaking disgusting and aberrant things to degenerate the minds of children and induce them into evil things, into stupidity, into addictions, into criminality, into baseless games which lead to and teach nothing, just like the famous game “GTA”, for Grand Theft Auto, in which the more you steal and kill the more you are rewarded.

Distraction, addiction, idiocy, vanity, materialism, compliance, etc, the means by which the youth is to be subdued

These patterns of behavior, beliefs, and perceptions of the negative kind are instilled in the minds of these young people since they are kids and they are led into addiction and zombification of their persona from a very young age. That’s why they have created all these products for adolescents, so that they may turn them into the most idiotic and mindless possible.

TikTok challenges are now common and many have died while making them.

Social media and the internet are a perfect place by which to reach a person through gang-stalking, or group harassment by which a certain person is to be led into certain situations which may seem natural from the outside but are truly the works of these people, or the pre-disposition the same have created. For example, more than ever a random person could send you a direct message, insult you, harass you, say they will kill you, etc, or without any justification or foundation but with the sole object of destroying the psyche of that person. You could receive such a message any time of the day and it could destroy the mood of your whole day, it could make people sad, angry, unmotivated, etc. The internet is a perfect place to do gang-stalking and scamming directed at harming a person because it allows for greater anonymous work and fewer means for the same psychological outcome. Many of these agencies have farms, but not of animals but hackers, people who are hired all over the world, especially by Russian and Chinese intel agencies to do all these kinds of work and appear out of the blue in the lives of people, persuading to act in the manner so hoped for.

Addiction to cellphones has created a new epidemic of behavioral addiction in young children, things like “scrolling”, which is an addiction to, literally, scrolling to see more content, sleeping problems, problems in the lack or excess of neurotransmitters, and a large, etc of other problem which affects people since infancy. Even many of the influencers you see around are just AI, or their content is being created in such a way, that an AI, or algorithm is the one that decides which videos, posts, and people are famous and who are maintained on the low side, these are called forest-guardians, people who decide which videos and people are famous or not, and of course they always decide the most stupid and destructive of them to be famous.

It manifests itself as an anxious process and
fear of not being in contact with the
mobile phone or smartphone.
It generates involuntary movements,
nightmares, irritability and
generalized pain.

For this reason, and many others, the internet, all these gadgets, smart or not, all these vaccines, products, devices, wars, political events, perceptions, and beliefs, are nothing but the result, in the ultimate instance of the manipulation of people’s mind, for without the distraction and compliance of which Lord Jacob Rothschild spoke of none of these things could be taken into existence and manifestation.

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