Many do not know the secret origin of a very famous gesture or mudra, as commonly referred to in the yogic sciences, done by many famous or influential people in the 15, 16 hundreds, that gesture forms an M with one of the hands, mostly placed in the center of the chest, just where the heart is, sometimes the hand would be resting in the waist of the person, or simply be in any other position like in a position where the arms points upward, etc. Many theories have been thrown out there about the origin of such gestures, we will present some of these theories and provide the one we think is the most aligned with the truth.
The theories on the origin of the gesture:
Theory 1: Crypto-Jewish Recognition
Some speculate that the hand gesture was a secret sign used by crypto-Jews, or Marranos, to recognize each other during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. This theory suggests that the gesture served as a clandestine marker of their true faith amidst the threat of persecution. However, critics argue that there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, and the gesture is not found in any known Jewish tradition of the period.
Theory 2: Freemasonry or Masonic Membership
Could the hand gesture be a hidden symbol of Masonic membership and rank? Freemasonry is known for its cryptic symbols and rituals, and some believe that the gesture may have been a way for artists to subtly indicate their allegiance to the secret society. However, like the previous theory, this remains speculative and lacks definitive evidence.
Theory 3: Satanic Symbolism
Delving into the realm of the occult, some suggest that the gesture represents satanic symbolism, with the fingers forming the letters V and I, symbolizing 666. This theory, while intriguing, is highly speculative and lacks historical context within Renaissance art.
Theory 4: De’ Medici Family Membership
Another theory posits that the hand gesture was used to signify membership in the powerful De’ Medici family. This theory is based on the presence of the gesture in portraits of the De’ Medici family by artists such as Bronzino. However, this explanation fails to account for the widespread use of the gesture beyond the De’ Medici portraits.
Theory 5: Ignacio de Loyola’s Gesture for Atonement of Sins
Lastly, some suggest that the gesture may have religious significance, particularly related to the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignacio de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Loyola recommended the gesture of placing the hand on the chest as a sign of moral pain for sinners. While this theory has some merit, it does not explain the universal application of the gesture in various contexts beyond religious themes.
Lazzeri, D., Nicoli, F., & Zhang, Y. X. (2019). Secret hand gestures in paintings. Acta Bio Medica : Atenei Parmensis, 90(4), 526–532. Link to source
Theory 6: M for Mary and Illuminati descendants of Jesus. (Knights Templars and Rosicrucians)
A user on Reddit has said the following about this gesture:
I saw a documentary and I’m sorry I don’t remember the name, but they have been studying this spruce at some point. The theory is that it is a religious hand gesture. The fingers form an M for Mary. Not Mother Mary but Mary of Magdalene. They belonged to the Rosicrucians or Knights Templar. A group that protects the lineage of Jesus. The theory is that the Mother Mary and the child that we see in statues and paintings is one of the greatest kept secrets and is not the Virgin Mary that we have been led to believe, but Mary Magdalene’s wife Jesus holding her child. The Mer hand gestures were all part of the group that hid and protected the son of Jesus and his future lineage. One of the most interesting theories I’ve come across. I have also heard the royal family believe that they are descendants of Jesus.
– Reddit user (you can google it)
Refutation of each theory
- Crypto-Jewish theory cannot be, because many of the men who do this gesture are not Jews, for example, Ignatius Loyola was not a Jew, and no document proves that he so was, and the Medici family is an Italian noble family descending from the Iranians, and Anunnaki zone. So it has nothing to do with Jews, plus figures like Colombus or Miguel de Cervantes did not even exist or were creations by others to distort and hide the name of the true Illuminati or secret society members behind these works, reasons for which it is very easy to accuse them of Jews, or of whatever other simple yet unproved tag.
- It cannot be masonic membership, because Freemasonry did not start until 1717, and they were not called masons, Freemasonry was systemized by the times of Francis Bacon and John Dee, one century after the time gap in which all these gestures and their portraits were created. Freemasonry, as we know it today, is a much more contemporary society. So I doubt it truly was the Freemasons, the probabilities are very small. Plus, that hand gesture is not recognized as a Freemasonic hand gesture.
- The third theory sounds like a more recent type of theory, which takes whatever gesture and automatically calls it satanic, 666 was not a satanic number, the true number is 616, and satanism may be practiced in many ways, it simply involves demonic activity and black magic, not necessary in the common form nowadays seen, satanism as it is called has been more of a mainstream culture smoke screen than a universal reality, plus, these cults did not practice satanism, but rather Luciferianism and adoration to the Egyptian Goddess Isis.
- The Medici theory is one of the strongest, because all those who did the gesture had some connections, as seen in history, to these Papal Iranian families, such as Ignatius Loyola and Christopher Colombus, who some say was of the Colomma papal bloodline. Even so, I doubt it is related to the Medici family, which may be a very important one, but the teachings of Templars and other societies of the same style do not give much importance to the Medicis, these bloodlines were not just the Medicis, although the Medicis were a very strong bloodline, Templar Knights and this gesture are more related to the French Nobe families. Even so, this is strongest, although the Medicis did this too, it did not mean the Medicis themselves.
- The fifth theory related to some religious practice by Ignatius Loyola, but this is not possible because the Medicis do this gesture too, and they came before Ignatius Loyola, Ignatius did this gesture because he was a Knight Templar; he did not invent this gesture.
What theory do we think is correct:
Either the one relating to knights templars, Rosicrucians, or the descendants of the Virgin Mary which is connected to both Merovingians and Medici. We think that the most logical is the one relating this hand gesture to the Knight Templars, the Knight Templars were very much connected with the French Illuminati bloodlines, or the Merovingians, who, according to Stewart Swerdlow, are believed to have blood from Mary Magdalene, and Jesus, because either one or both of these figures lived in France. So we see that they are connected to Mary, and that’s the same reason the Knight Templar took Jerusalem because they wanted the treasures and information contained within this land for this noble family. The Medicis were also connected through blood by the French families and many families in Europe like the German-Spanish Habsburg, for example, Maria de Medici, was Queen of France… Probably the Medicis and Merovingians were both connected to the Templar Knights and the Rosicrucians, the first, thought they were entitled (and still do), these are the descendants of the Annunaki, the Illuminati, the second, The Templar Knights, the Rosicrucians, etc, are just the people that work for them, and later the Masons. The same story as ever. The Rosicrucians, many say did not exist and that it was all an invention of Jhon Dee to bring back the mystery religions, all under the Orders of Francis Walsingham and English royalty.
Did the Templars really have a physical treasure with silver, gold, and jewels, and where did they go? The idea is the treasure wasn’t actually monetary, but a treasure of information about the true history of Jmmanuel or Jesus Christ and his marriage to Mary Magdalene and that they had children. The Holy Grail is not an object, but the symbolic representation of the womb of Mary Magdalene, which was the “Holy Chalice” as they called it. From her came the offspring of Christ. When that merged with the Khazars, through the Franks and Merovingians in France and Germany in the 1300s, the descendants became the Illuminati. They claim the “Holy Rite” to rule the world because their ancestry was traced back to Christ. The Queen of England, the Rothschilds, and all the families say that they have every right to control the populace because they have the genetics of Christ. They place themselves on pedestals and claim responsibility, in their view, to control and rule the world. In addition to having a higher percentage of Reptilian DNA, the Illuminati families also have a mindset of being superior to mammalian life forms. They feel that the reptilian format more closely resembles the God-Mind traits of never needing to evolve or adapt to environmental changes.
Steward Swerdlow – Blue Blood True Blood
Mary Magdalene or Virgin Mary is many times connected to the ancient Aryan or lyrean Goddess, called Mary or Maria, the Egyptians, who are on the opposite side of these two great races of humanoids that came to Earth, changed her meaning and transformed her into a demonic being. That’s Ignatius Loyola, who was a Templar Knights, and later founded the Jesuits, was so obsessed with Mary or Isis, and even went out to the Catalonia countryside in Manresa to have contact with such demonic type in a cave, this figure of Isis is called “La Moreneta”, and it is even connected to Leonardo Da Vinci, for in his painting he drew these mountains.
Leonardo Da Vinci was said to be a Rosicrucian too, so we see that this whole M hand gesture is more than possibly connected to Isis and the holy bloodline of the Illuminati or, by those times, Knight Templars. Merovingian bloodline had many descendants, for example, the Bush and many other families stem from the Merovingians, Merovingians are just a different way of saying the descendants of Mary, so the M I would say is more related to Mary than to Medici, and the connection is rather with the Knight Templars and the Holy Grail, or the Anunnaki blood of these bloodlines.
Mariolatry and the Sacred Heart
Under the influence of the Jesuits worship of Mary was raised to a higher level by making her a goddess; immaculate conception; assumed into heaven to reign as the Queen of Heaven.
The worship of Isis or Diana (names given to Nimrod’s wife) was converted into that of Mary; even portraits of Mary were copied from those of Isis.
The rosary is associated with counting of prayers to Mary. = Of Babylonian origin – also used by Buddhists and Moslems.
Jesuit worship of the Sacred Heart – of Jesus and Mary. Heart = Bel in Chaldee = the name of the god of Babylon. Viz. it’s a mystery symbol for the worship of Sacred Bel. The heart = the reborn Babylonian messiah. (See also Bel#Islam)
In pagan Rome was Venus and her son Cupid – a boy with an arrow shooting his shafts at the hearts of mankind. The heart symbolized Nimrod + hunter shows that Cupid is actuallyy Nimrod. Today Cupid and his Babylonian symbol is the Romish St. Valentine.
The Jesuits Order (Society of Jesus) est. 1540 by Layola – followed by the re-established Inquisition in 1542. Crucial in halting the preaching of the Gospel in Italy.
Jesuits and their doctirines; Ignatius Loyola; Occult; militant arm of the Churh of Rome; Inquisition; in the place of God; the end justifies the means. (n.d.).
The Merovingian family and the pilgrim of Mary Magdalene
When Mary Magdalene, daughter Sarah, and youngest fled, they were
worried Peter’s emissaries would come after them. Peter had threatened
them and Mary feared for their lives. Mary went with the children first to
Turkey. Supposedly, Jmmanuel’s mother lived there so she went there for
From Turkey, she next traveled to Greece, then to the island of Malta, and
finally to the South of France to a town that is now known as Les SaintesMaries-de-la-Mer which means “Holy Marys of The Sea”. To this very day, citizens of this town reenact the coming of Mary Magdalene with her
entourage to the coast. This is something the Catholic Church denies, yet
there she is in France. Plus, Mary’s and Sarah’s tombs are both there.
Rennes-le-Château is located in the mountains in the South of France
where a very strange church is located. It is one of the most fascinating
places in this region.
The symbolism that the priest Bérenger Saunière
attempted to convey in the building and decoration is overtly blatant. When
correctly interpreted the symbolism depicts that the bottom line of
Christianity is based on the Reptilian religion. The symbolism in his church
shows that Christianity was based on androgynous Reptilian energies and
that ritual sacrifice and sexual rituals were common.
-Steward Swerlow – Blue Blood, True Blood
Almost 2,000 years ago, after witnessing the Resurrection of Christ, Mary Magdalene landed near here, in Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Along with her brother Lazarus, who converted the whole of Provence, she initiated the spread of Christian faith in Europe. Choosing a hermit life, she spent her last 30 years in penitence inside a grotto in La Sainte-Baume mountain ridge.
Her remains were unearthed in the 13th century a few km away, in Saint-Maximin, at the exact place where the basilica now stands. They are kept in a reliquary inside the crypt, where thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come and pray.
Both places, the grotto and the basilica where the relics of Saint Mary Magdalene lie, are part of the Sanctuary. A hiking trail, walked by kings such as Saint Louis and Louis 14th, link the two holy places.La Sainte-Baume is a limestone mountain ridge boasting many caves and fossils. Archeological digs found traces of prehistoric human life, including tools made out of flint stones. The most famous grotto is the cave Mary Magdalene chose to spend her final years, in contemplation and prayer when she escaped persecution in Palestine. Pilgrims can get there by car or on foot. It takes several hours to climb the track, ending with 150 steps to reach the cave
The history of Saint-Maximin dates back to the Neolithic period with the first human settlements. After centuries of Roman occupation, a first monastery was erected in the 5th century. In 1279, King Charles II ordered the excavation of the site, unearthing the remains of Saint Mary Magdalene amongst several tombs. The construction of the basilica quickly followed and set in motion the beginning of a great pilgrimage that lasted centuries. Its impressive size makes it the largest Gothic structure in Provence. Down below inside the crypt, pilgrims come and kneel in front of the skull of Mary Magdalene. Despite the plunder of the French Revolution, the relics were spared and the organ saved by the playing of La Marseillaise during the pillaging.
Today, Saint-Maximin is a typical Provence town surrounded by olive groves, a few km from the sea. The smell of lavender and the songs of cicadas fill its narrow streets. Fountains and colourful squares are an invitation to slow down, enjoy and soak up the atmosphere.
Saint-Maximin et La Sainte-Baume | Villes Sanctuaires en France. (n.d.). Link to source
The mythological undertone and more proof of the Merovingian and Medici connection; Melusine.
There is even more information, and it seems that Mary Magdalene was made mythology in those places of France where she stood, as we have learned before, mythology is nothing but reality, mythology is just a way of masking the true past, so people think it’s false. It comes from information on the mythological being called Melusine, which starts with M too, just like Merovingian, Medici, and Madonna, which is to “Moreneta” in Italian, as it is in Spanish, it may refer to the dark undertone of Mary Magdalene in counterposition to Mary the Virgin.
The descendants of the Templars thrive in Cumbria, a landscape steeped in the mysteries of the Dragon Tradition found in the lore of Camelot. The ancient lost kingdom of Rheged in Cumbria is the historical setting for the Knights of the Round Table. Lake Windermere is the home of the Lady of the Lake.
Melusine is an early medieval elf maiden of fountains and springs with the ability to transform into a dragon. She is the inspiration for the Lady of the Lake of Arthurian tales. Noble houses of Western Europe counted her as their ancestor. I believe her to be an allusion to Mary Magdalene. Melusine was also the ancestor of the banking family so important to the Italian Renaissance, the Medici.
The Magdalene line of kings called the Merovingians, springs from the French King, Merovee 374 AD to 425 AD, whose dual fathers were King Clodio and also a magical aquatic beast reminiscent of Neptune.
Napoleon had a great interest in the Merovingian dynasty. He wore 300 golden bees on his coronation robe which had been excavated from the tomb of King Childebert II (570-95). Napoleon wove Templar symbolism into art and architecture, aligning himself with Templarism.
Admin. (2019, February 6). The Knights Templar. Militär Wissen. Click for source of info
Even the official zionist Wikipedia, says Melusine or Mary Magdalene is said to be the ancestor of several French Noble Bloodlines:
The Limburg-Luxemburg dynasty (which ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1308 to 1437 as well as Bohemia and Hungary), the House of Anjou and their descendants the House of Plantagenet (kings of England), and the French House of Lusignan (kings of Cyprus from 1205–1472, and for shorter periods over Cilician Armenia and Jerusalem) are said in folk tales and medieval literature to be descended from Melusine.
Wikipedia contributors. (2024, February 19). Melusine. Wikipedia. Link for more info and story
Discover the secret knowledge of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. The Holy Bloodline and their intermarriage with the Sacred Merovingian Bloodline.
“The Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple” was founded in 1119 by Hugues de Payens and eight other knights, who were all companions of Godfried de Bouillon; these included Geoffroy de Saint-Omer and the Portuguese, Pedro Arnaldo da Rocha, Payens de Montdidier, Archambaud de St. Amand, and André de Montbard. (Bernard of Clairvaux’s uncle)
All these men were from noble families in France, Portugal, and the ruling house of Flanders.
Some Knights also join the Cistercian Order of St. Bernard Clairvaux, whose role in this story is remarkable.
This well-executed plan took probably more than twenty years to prepare, as it required extensive planning.
The Merovingian bloodline of Dagobert II, “through his son Sigisbert IV,” came to Godfried de Bouillon, who captured Jerusalem in 1099 and was elected as the first Frankish/Merovingian ruler of Jerusalem.
As a Merovingian descendent, he was actually claiming his birthright, and being inaugurated in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, where he took the title Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri. When Godfried left for his crusade, he sold most of his estates, except the chapel of Saint Dagobert II in Stenay.
Many of the most prominent members of the Knights Templar were from some of the best-connected and most powerful European aristocratic families, all of whom were of Merovingian descent.
The famous Knights Templar treasure of Solomon was brought to France, where it was kept safe for many centuries.
During the French Revolution of 1789, French troops advanced to Orval (Belgium), where the treasure was kept.
But three days earlier, the monks of Orval had already brought the treasure to Montmédy on seven oxcarts, where it still is to this day.
The Templars had been inducted into the mysteries of ancient Egypt, while in the Holy Land, and they discovered proof that the roots of Christianity lay in the religion of the pharaohs and that Christianity was a further development of ancient Egyptian belief. (n.d.).
So we can say, that the origin of many of these noble bloodlines which rule the world till this day is in France, and they all come from the main Merovingian, and to some extent from the Medici; that all these families and members of the same to a trans-generational and translinear extend live in France, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, and that the Illuminati families from all these countries are connected. They founded the Templar Knights to seek their natural birthright they thought, of ruling Jerusalem, and finding the treasures therein, relating to Solomon and Mary Magdalen, or whatever other figure they might have a connection or desire to obtain. They later continued their reign by founding the Jesuits, the Masons, the Rosicrucians, etc.
Keypoints and conclusions
- They were related to the Knights Templars and many of such Vatican orders, the Knights Templar were founded by the Merovingians.
- The Merovingians mean the descendants of Mary Magdalene, later forming other French noble bloodlines, with which the Medici mixed; the Medicis come from the Melusine story too.
- The Melusine story is just the Mythological counterpart of the Mary Magdalene story, which lived through the blood of their descendants, stories, and fables…
- It may just as well be related to a demonic or Luciferian inversion of the original positive Goddess, which is called Isis or Ishtar.
- The people who made these gestures were all from French, Spanish, or Italian noble families, who all descended from the original Merovingian and Medici.
- All these families are related to one another and later mixed with the Khazars who converted to Judaism to form the Illuminati, like the Rothschilds.
- Ignatius of Loyola, also a member of the Alumbrados passed this adoration down to his order, the Jesuits, which were originally called the Soldiers of the Virgin Mary, he just continued the work of the Templars as they have a connection with the Medicis and were founded in France.
- The M symbology is also connected to the desire of these groups to conquer the Americas, for Christopher Colombus did it too, and was just a soldier of these families.
- It may also be related to their search for the fountain of immorality and the adoration of this demonic Goddes called Isis or Ishtar, the dark counterpart of Mary.
- Given all the previous points, the M symbolizes the royal bloodline of Melusine or Mary Magdalene; the Merovingians, the Medicis, and their entitlement to nobility and also the seeking of the chalice of immortality and supernatural powers of the Black Maddona or Moreneta as in Manresa cave in Spain.
This hand gesture is just a manner by which these secret societies can display their powers, just like the continuance of this same practice as stated in Morals and Dogmas by Albert Pike. We see they are doing what they always did, feeling entitled about their noble blood, and looking for treasures, potions, or any other objects by which they can increase their power and entitlement, prolong their life, etc, just as they have always done. They want to feel like they were in those ancient days. The Holy Grail and the Mystery of the M are related to both their royal bloodline, descending supposedly from Mary Magdalene and Jesus, and their search for these fountains of immortality and powers by many of their demonic/occultist practices, such as the adoration of this demonic inverted entity, called Isis, Ishtar or la “Moreneta”.