One of the greatest schemes of power in the world is the Anglo-Israeli federation, it shows a parallelism of the so-called judeo-masonic agenda. It is known that there is a secre relation, according to alternative historians, between Israel and England, it is said that the English noble family, comes from Israel, and that it is the source of the Anti-christ. The masonic paraboles and symbolism are Biblical stories refering to israel, and the accounts of Hiram Abiff and King Solomon. King comes from Kink, and it is an ancient egyptian-israeli-phonenican word. English culture has a relationship with israeli culture that goes back to Atlantis. The Anglo-Israeli federation is a flashback mark of this ancient connection between these civilizations. Masonic precisely was said to derive from England, and the ancient and supreme masonic juridisction comes and rules from England. This judeo-masonic conspiracy is also an anglo-israeli conspiracy, and through the English empire and the many other secret powers and families, sects, this faction of power has hugely amounted throughout the world.
The following excerpt is perfect to understand this global power:
Freemasonry structure
Perhaps you are wondering what all these degrees are about. The charts on the following pages will help. The first three degrees (or steps) of Freemasonry everywhere in the world are known as The Blue Lodge There are only minor annny wording and action differences between Blue Lodges in most parts of the world. Those in lower degrees usually have no idea what goes on in the degrees above theirs. and many don’t even know they exist. Above the Blue Lodge there are four main streams or branches. First and oldest is the British Commonwealth stream. Admission to higher degrees is by invitation only, and this accounts for about one- third of all Master Masons. Usually the first step above 39is the Holy Royal Arch. A few follow up the ‘ York Rite’ structure, but most who are deemed worthy of further elevation tend to go next to the ‘Ancient and Accepted’ or ‘Scottish Rite,’ to the Knight Rose Croix or 189, after that they will next be invited to the 30 followed by 31 and 32. A select few are admitted into the honorary 33. Many of the other degrees and orders are only symbolic or honorary and are not operated Two other streams exist in the United States of America only. It is now possible for American Master Masons to go to one of the various temples around the country, such as in Washington or Indianapolis, and with the right payment and a good memory they can advance all the way from 3° to 32o in a couple of weekends. This advancement then enables them to enter the Shriners or any of the higher side orders Due to an obvious racist slant by many Lodge members, (because of a cross-involvement with the Ku Klux Klan) African Americans have established their own Lodge structure, called Prince Hall Freemasonry ltis a duplicate of the white Lodges in virtually every aspect, although itlacks official recognition by them. The fourth stream is called Grand Orient, and is the most occultic stream of Freemasonry. These are mostly to be found in France, ltaly…
Some other southern European countries plus most of Central and South America, almost exclusively Roman Catholic countries
Over time considerable differences grew between British Grand Lodge and those of the Continent, primarily the Grand Orient Lodge of France which appears to have had strong Jacobite connections Fundamentally, Grand Orient Lodges are Atheistic, while Grand Lodges from England and America (and those affiliated with them) are Pantheistic in spiritual or religious beliefs. There remains both competition and an antagonistic distance between the Grand Orient and the other Grand Lodges. Grand Orient removed the necessity of members having a belief in a Supreme Being, and later admitted women as members of some lodges, including the leaders of the Theosophical Society; Helena P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and Annie Besant, who all reached 33. The Grand Orient developed into an association of freethinkers and atheists with significant occultic tendencies. Following this, a number of national Grand Lodges affiliated with the French Grand Orient, including the Dutch, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Italian, and those in Belgium, Brazil, Peru, Haiti, Guatemala and Central and South America.
All Masonic Lodges are required to recognize all the others and affiliate with the English Supreme Council. There are so many side degrees, orders and affiliated lodges that most of their own members do not understand all the links. Some Masonic authorities record almost one thousand different degrees, as many national Grand Lodges or Grand Orients have their own unique degree systems beyond the usual Blue Lodge and A & A/Scottish and York Rites. Many titles are taken from long-ceased chivalry orders, while others appear to be pompous and self-glorifying.
Lodge membership seems to be decreasing in most countries For example, New Zealand’s Grand Lodge has lost over 80% of its membership of 30 years ago. Members are ageing and younger men are either uninterested or know why to stay out. In common with many organizations today, some Freemasons are seeking to adapt the Lodge so it will appear more relevant and (they hope) more popular, while traditionalists are resisting any change. In addition, many Freemasons are being taught the truth about their lodge by Christians, resulting in significant numbers renouncing the ritual and religion of their lodge in favor of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
council structure of freemasonry ruled from england and wales
At this site was the
building in which the Supreme Council is located, 33°,
Mother of the World Council,
Ancient and accepted Scottish rite
of Freemasonry, was founded
May 31, 1801 AD, corresponding to
Siván 19, 5561, AM
Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Ancient Masons
chartered by the Grand Lodge of England
1735 was organized on this site.
October 28, 1736 .
Supreme Councils of Freemasonry :
- Supreme Council of 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Heredom for England and Wales: Operates higher degrees up to 33 in the British Commonwealth, including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia and the South. Africa.
- World Mother Supreme Council (Southern Jurisdiction): Headquartered in Washington, DC, this council is highly influential and oversees important parts of the world’s highest grades and orders.
- Supreme Council of the World (Northern Jurisdiction) : Headquartered in Boston, USA, responsible for fifteen US states, each with its own Grand Lodge.
- Scottish Supreme Council for the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry : Based in Edinburgh, it controls all 33 degrees, including the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta and the Royal Order of Scotland. Influenced by the movement of Scottish regiments during the 18th and 19th centuries.
- Supreme Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland: Based in Dublin, the strongest in Ulster and includes a Supreme Council. It controls numerous Blue Lodges around the world, influenced by the Irish Regiment movements during the 18th and 19th centuries.
The Irish Council does not work with many of the secondary titles, such as Secret Monitor, Cryptic Council, etc.
There are several dozen Supreme Councils around the world . These are not to be confused with the various Grand Lodges that govern the lower degrees. All Supreme Councils are constituted under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of England and Wales; They must abide by the World Constitution that is administered from there; and others are not permitted to have any degree above the 33rd degree of their Ancient and Accepted Rite.
Excerpt from Unmasking Freemasonry – Removing the Hoodwink by New Zealand pastor Selwyn R. Stevens, Ph.D., Freemasonry in New Zealand has lost great power because of this book and has lost several of its members.