Ex-CIA agent, Joseph Spencer, predicted the current world and a blue beam-staged alien invasion for 2024

EX-CIA officer, Mr. Joseph Spencer, predicted in 1997 how the world would be nowadays. In an amazing video, he reveals the plans of the elites to poison and kill humanity without their knowledge. Is there any doubt that what he said is the truth?

Some of the plans of the elites to reduce population:

  1. Fluoride in water.
  2. Man-made viruses that resemble the flu or affect the respiratory system (he predicted in ’98 that a virus would emerge in 2018) and said that the supposed AIDS is a product of vaccines, that is, it does not exist.
  3. Micro-chemicals in the air cause brain damage, cancer, low immunity, and virility in men (50% less sperm). If this is not reversed soon the human race will suffer an early extinction.
Joseph Spencer

Followers, R. 1. (n.d.). Joseph Spencer – The Man in Black [Video]. Rumble. https://rumble.com/v29cj0k-joseph-spence-the-man-in-black.html

spencer’s testimony transcribed:

My name is Joseph Spencer from May 1970 to October 1997, I served the United States government as a top-secret operative, but not in a category that is commonly known and understood. I was known as a man in black. Following seven years of acting as a counterintelligence agent for the CIA, I was recruited for a new assignment that entailed working within the above top-secret operation. I was aware of the black budget projects, but never knew the context of them. Due to their high level of secrecy, even the president was denied access to their inner workings annually. Billions of dollars are poured into black projects that operate without any supervision or intrusion. They have full autonomy. Operation Deal is primarily with advancing military technologies, most of which have been reverse-engineered from recovered alien spacecraft that had either crashed or was shot down by our military. The public, sadly, will never ever have knowledge of these operations. This transition in my life happened in 1970. The senior Black project director was William T Latham. Who had worked under CIA executive director Richard Schlesinger? Latham stated that I was the perfect candidate for my new position. I was a forced child and I had no connections to existing relatives. Had no friends in social life. It was easy for them to erase my past and provide me with a new identity. I gave myself to them as a priest would to his God. But first, my mind had to be erased. It was injected with various forms of mind-altering drugs, LSD, heroin, mescalin, morphine, sodium pentothal, and more. Drug-induced hypnosis followed by antegrade and retrograde amnesia. The goal was to program you to do 2 things, kill and forget. After nine months of programming, I have become. A man in black. What I later discovered was that not all the men in black were human. About a third were alien hybrids. Their distinctive feature was the absence of whites in their eyes, giving the impression of empty eye sockets. This unsettled me, and it took months to adjust to the reality of alien integration. My assignments largely dealt with UFO sightings and crash sites in August of 1971, I witnessed my first UFO crash site just north of Vegas Air Force Base in California. Inside the craft, with three-grade Humanoids, 2 dead, one still alive. Also, when the craft was a human female abductee, the alien humanoids were transported to the base, but two witnesses had arrived before us and took several photographs. That first surrendered his camera, but the second fled. When we apprehended him, he resisted and I was ordered to silence him, which I did. Dead. The killing of witnesses was executed with a wand that acted very much like today’s Taser, but the voltage from the wand would cause immediate cardiac arrest. And the victim’s death would be attributed to natural causes. We silence countless victims, not only men but women of all ages and even teenagers. The following day after each kill, our memories were reset so we would have no recollection of the murders. A good majority of the victims are ufologists and whistleblowers. Among the ufologists I personally silenced were. Paul William Cooper. Milton the gay. Claude Monroe. Anthony Vargas. And noted documentarian Samantha Willis. When my wand malfunctioned with Samantha, I resorted to strangulation. She fought for her life for almost 2 minutes. Recalling this act, I stared into her pleading eyes for the entire duration with absolutely no remorse. Guilt or feelings? That was how effective the mind conditioning was. And it’s her face that haunts my dreams more than anyone’s to this day.

So they sought out a documentarian.


Well, that’s not good to hear.

Yeah. All right, move. We’re gonna move on 1954. Dwight Eisenhower signed. Was known as the Granada Treaty with the alien Gray race in exchange for shared alien technologies. The Grays were allowed to abduct a number of humans annually for medical examination. The graves also demanded anonymity from the public. A short time later, human technology took a giant leap forward with circuit chips, fiber optics, and lasers. The grounded treaty is still active today, but the number of human abductions has increased despite objections from the world governments. Now the really interesting part. Every year, at least 8 million children go missing in the world. I can attest that one-third of them are abducted by government operatives. And transported to any one of the 1477. Underground military installations on the planet then imprisoned for the remainder of their lives. The children are subjected to biological and genetic experiments, dissections, and mutilations performed not by human scientists. But an alien grey species. During my stay at the Vanguard underground base north of Phoenix, AZ, I witnessed many of these procedures. Because there’s no form of anesthesia administered to the young patients. The whole reverberated with the screams of tortured children from morning to night. The ones that perished. Were incinerated in the installation’s crematoriums. My point of contact at this base was Lieutenant Colonel Charles T. Leninger, and he was a human. Alien hybrid and get ready for this. In 1994, the World Population Summit in Cairo, Egypt, had 160 nations participate. Where they all agreed that the human population was out of. Control. And must be stopped because the world is running out of resources. An agreement was formed that would mandate the reduction of humans. From 6 billion to 800 billion by the year 2030. This meant finding a method or methods to wipe out nearly 95% of the population. Solutions were discovered, investigated, tested, then created, and have been in full force since the procedures have been inflicted onto the human race. Are as follows. One toxic level of chemically enhanced fluoride has been secretly added to our drinking water over the last 20 years in every city and community on the planet. I personally oversaw the delivery of fluoride barrels to Denver. Chicago. Tampa and Minneapolis water departments. The adverse effects of fluoride poisoning on the human body are numerous and debilitating. The effects that children are damage to their neurological development, among other serious ailments. 2. Man-made viruses and diseases. The AIDS virus, which was a designer by-product of the American Disease Institute, was distributed through vaccines to the public in 1980. Instituted as a preliminary population control tactic, the results were successful and led to more lab-produced viruses that have since been unleashed onto the public. Among those is the development of a mutated version of the common flu to replicate the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed 40 million people. The first strain of this new flu virus will be released to the public in late 2017. So if we see a flu outbreak in late 2017 or early 2018 that’s killing people, we’ll know this is.

True. Right.

Three kill us from the air with neurotoxins, barium chloride, cancer, microbes, and viruses. By way of chemtrails. Released into the skies daily or for all inhabited regions by military aircraft. The effects of these toxins are severe and over time lethal, causing respiratory ailments, and cancer. Damage to the immune systems and sterilization in men. Since the chemtrail plan was implemented, sperm count in men has dropped nearly 50%. If this isn’t reversed soon, the human race will face early extinction. Now the grand finale. This is some scary ****. In March 1997, an event known as the Phoenix Lights became the most infamous UFO sighting in history. A mile-wide vessel. Clearly not man-made. Flew slowly and silently over the state of Arizona. And was witnessed by 10,000 people, including the Governor of Arizona. To date, there has been no reasonable explanation. But for every witness interviewed, the craft was as real as anything they’ve ever seen. Their lives were transformed. They now believe that we truly are not alone. However, there is another truth for I know what they really saw. 1986 while stationed at an underground installation near Boulder, Co, I was introduced to Project Sky Beam by Lieutenant General Andrew Garris. I was then LED down a corridor and into a large hangar. Where a stealth bomber hovered only 20 feet above me. And stood there confused. Garris looked over me and smiled, then asked if I was certain of what I was seeing. I replied. Of course. What else could it be? I was then shocked to find out that this wasn’t a real craft. It was the projected hologram. Since the early 1950s, scientists have been developing holographic technology. And over the years improved it to a state that we can only. They stood there staring at the bomber, which looked so absolutely real and solid that they could reach up and touch it. Had contemplated the possibilities. What if this projection was 1000 feet up in the sky? How would anyone know that that was an illusion? The Phoenix Lights craft witnessed by 10,000 people was the first grand-scale sky-beam test upon the public. They succeeded beyond expectations. In October 1938, Orson Welles and released his World of Wars ready to broadcast to the American public.

For the the South government.

They’re so realistically portrayed, that fast portions of the population went into panic. Terrified citizens scrambled to evacuate their cities and droves. America had been easily tricked by very simple means.

Times. How are you?

To amplify this response, those who are truly in the power of not only our country. But all the countries on the planet and who are the true purveyors of the depopulation process, have formulated the final stage of their sinister plan. In the year 2024, a global event will alter the course of mankind’s future. The world will stand witness to a massive alien invasion. Thousands of projected holographic alien warships will blanket the skies, sending people into a global panic. Real military crafts within the holograms will inflict actual damage to the surrounding areas to sell the gimmick. As a result of the ensuing human chaos, the A1 world government will immediately form without any resistance from the people. They will be the new world order. Once this happens, we as a people will be doomed to enslavement and accelerated depopulation. With that said, the only hope for human salvation is to acquire and spread. The knowledge of these activities and agendas resist retaliating. Then conquer this imposing enemy. But the time is now, as humanity is rapidly approaching. It’s final days. The knowledge of what’s coming is taking its toll on me. I see all these people. Living their lives. Enjoying themselves, planning their futures? Oblivious to the fact that it’s all going to end soon. Here I am at a park. The children are playing and. In the skies. Above I can see the chemtrails. Poisoning the air and slowly killing us, all in plain sight. It never felt so helpless. I want to scream out to the world, but I don’t make you laugh. That ridicule. When closer the memoirs were fabrication. I secretly wish she was right. Then they could sleep at night. But I know beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s all true. That Joe was being completely forthright. And shortened his eyes. He heard the tremor in his voice when he? Spoke about it. Didn’t come off as an admission. Is more of a deeply concerned confession. He was scared for us all. And that says a lot coming from a man who was a government assassin.

-David Spencer

key takeaways:

  1. Joseph Spencer claims to have served the United States government as a top-secret operative known as a “man in black” from May 1970 to October 1997, working on above top-secret operations involving black budget projects and advanced military technologies, including those reverse-engineered from alien spacecraft.
  2. Spencer alleges involvement in silencing witnesses of UFO sightings and crash sites, describing his experiences at UFO crash sites and interactions with alien hybrids. He also claims knowledge of a treaty signed by Dwight Eisenhower with an alien Gray race in 1954, allowing for human abductions in exchange for shared alien technologies.
  3. According to Spencer, there is a global depopulation agenda involving the poisoning of water with fluoride, the release of man-made viruses and diseases, and the use of chemtrails to release neurotoxins. He also mentions a planned global event in 2024 involving a staged alien invasion to usher in a one-world government.
  4. Spencer expresses deep concern about the future of humanity, feeling helpless in the face of what he believes to be impending doom. He describes his desire to warn the world about these activities, despite the potential for ridicule and disbelief.

Joseph Spencer’s detailed timeline and future predictions are as follows:

  1. 1970-1997: Spencer claims to have served as a “man in black” for the U.S. government, working on above top-secret operations, including black budget projects involving advanced military technologies reverse-engineered from alien spacecraft.
  2. 1971: Witnessed his first UFO crash site just north of Vegas Air Force Base in California, where he encountered a UFO with three humanoid occupants, two dead and one alive, along with a human female abductee.
  3. 1980: The AIDS virus was distributed through vaccines to the public as a preliminary population control tactic, leading to more lab-produced viruses being unleashed onto the public.
  4. 1994: At the World Population Summit in Cairo, Egypt, 160 nations agreed to reduce the human population from 6 billion to 800 million by the year 2030. Spencer claims this mandate has been in full force since then.
  5. 1997: Spencer alleges that an event known as the Phoenix Lights, where a mile-wide UFO was witnessed by 10,000 people in Arizona, was a holographic projection test known as Project Sky Beam, designed to deceive the public.
  6. Late 2017/Early 2018: Spencer predicts the release of a mutated version of the common flu virus, replicating the 1918 influenza pandemic, as part of the depopulation agenda.
  7. 2024: Spencer predicts a staged global event involving a massive alien invasion using projected holographic alien warships, leading to the formation of a one-world government known as the AI World Government.

Spencer expresses deep concern about the future of humanity, feeling helpless in the face of what he believes to be impending doom. He describes his desire to warn the world about these activities, despite the potential for ridicule and disbelief.



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